Monday, January 25, 2010

Coming together now...

Is 2010 the year for marriage or is it just my age? 

A couple of my friends are getting hitched this year and I can't be any happier for them.  (Congrats, people!)  =)  What an exciting journey for them to embark on!  After almost 4years of marriage myself, I say, it is totally NOT underrated!  Trust me!

It is all kinda giving me a flashback to where I was before I got married - tanned, adventurous and always ready to go and do something.  Funnily, nothing has changed much except for the tan part(it is near impossible to get a tan in Québec).  It is certainly living an adventure full-time when you have an active toddler always up to some form of mischief, and I am still always ready to go and do anything fresh and exciting - like having a second child. 

Getting married was not something I lived my entire life waiting for, nor, did I have a "dream dress" or notions of a Maldives honeymoon after.  I guess I was just lucky to meet the man of my future life and got married in a flash.  Our Galapagos honeymoon was postponed due to the arrival of Theoden but one day, I believe we will make it there to see the hammerheads(if they are still there).  In the meantime, we've enjoyed so many wonderful vacations together as a family even though they were not called "honeymoons", but hey, who's keeping track?  So, nothing is really perfect, just "almost" perfect.  *wink*

Was I lucky?  You could probably say that.  Not many people arrive at happiness the way I did and some took a long and painful route to reach where they are.  As long as you reach your final destination of happiness, that's all that really matters. 

So, things are falling into place now for the people around me, and even my basement is slowly taking shape!  It is all finally coming together now...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What will Year 2010 bring?

As expected, 2009 went by in a blink, including birthdays, anniversaries, christmas, new year...

BUT it was a damn good year.

Top 5 Highlights of 2009:
1.  I got pregnant(yippee!)
2.  We bought a house(whooppee!!)
3.  Saw Yellowstone finally after all these years
4.  Theoden met my entire family in Singapore for the 1st time
5.  Diving in Sipadan

Now, I wonder what would 2010 bring us?

Top 5 Predictions for 2010:
1.  I will give birth to a gorgeously cute baby girl(no doubt about that one!)
2.  Our new house will finally be cleaned and unpacked(fingers crossed)
3.  We will throw many wonderful BBQ parties at our new deck
4.  Hawaii is a-calling us for our summer holiday!(Diving!)
5.  I will pass my driving at age 33(at long last...)!

Oh, might I add another one too - my son will be potty trained and he will miraculously NOT wet his bed at night till he gets married and moves out of the house.  He can do whatever he wants by then.