Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A beautiful spring baby

Having a baby from start to finish is a very sacred mission that is assigned only to the toughest of human race - mothers.   
Raising a child from birth to independence is a wholly challenging mission, definitely not for the faint-hearted.
Emmanuel and I are in the deep blue realms of these 2 missions, having completed Mission no. 1 twice successfully and still struggling through Mission No. 2.
And so, the 2010 spring collection features Coralie Anna Danielle Shu Hui Planel, launched on 10 April 2010 on a beautiful sunny morning and weighing in at a springy 3.4kg.  Finally, pink is in fashion in da house and we brought out all the flowers and hearts in all the hats, mittens, pyjamas and even the pacifier collection.  Out with the blues and browns! Shoo-away!
Although our elder son Theoden is only 2 years older than Coralie, memories of how to take care of a newborn were already ebbing away in the back of our minds.   
We have already forgotten how puddy-cat kitten small the newborns are, how tiny and fragile just like Cinderella’s glass slippers.  We forgot to burp her after breastfeeding.  I vaguely recall what is the “football hold”.  I’ll bet there are a lot more things to discover in the days to come and we eagerly await them all.
The day before Coralie arrived, I was getting kinda desperate since she has already reached her 40weeks and is still not out yet.  Not even a twitch.  2 months before, I was ordered on bedrest and every spasm caused me a mini-heart attack thinking that my baby will be 2months prematurely delivered.  And now that the time has come, she has decided to stay in and order Chinese.  Hrrrrmmmphhh…
So,  I tried every trick in the book that is recommended for a natural induction.  Pineapples, spicy food(chicken curry and roti prata! Mmm…), walking, nipple stimulation and the you-know-what.  At the end of it, one of the above must have worked cos I started having contractions at 2.30am.  Yippee!!!  Or…, maybe it was just time to come.  We’ll never know…will we? ;p
At the hospital, my doc told me I am still only 1cm dilated, like I was 3weeks back.  The possibility of a VBAC seems like 5 planetary solar systems away.  Despite the waves of contractions that seem to tsunamise me as time passes by, I knew we had to proceed as doc had already strongly advised us – a caeserian delivery. 
We had wanted so much to do vaginal delivery for Theoden but ended up with a c-section cos I had an infection and high fever.  The whole c-section process and recovery was every mother’s nightmare, only 20x worse with the infection.  And so, we wanted to avoid it if we can the second time – and still, we lost the battle.  
Docs had already advised us against vaginal delivery cos the incision scar from my previous c-section was very stretched out and the uterus may rupture if I do a vaginal delivery, i.e. may or may not lost the uterus, a risk which we honestly didn’t want to take since we still wanted more children.    Ok, I know what you are thinking: I am not doing a “20 kids and counting show” but I think 3 kids would be nice.  ;p
Alors!  So, into the OR we go and pop comes Coralie, all hairy and furry like a little baby monkey.  Still didn’t stop us from raining kisses all over our baby girl…  Alas!  It’s over!  Mission No. 1, I mean.  And now, on to Mission No. 2, the tough part.
I have to add that the recovery process this time for a normal c-section(w/o infection) was super-duper smooth-sailing.  Not that I am doing salsa dancing right now but at least the trip to the toilet the next day was not Mt. Everest daunting.  I guess I should have just followed doc’s advice after all and take the c-section appointment instead of suffering the contraction pains for 6 hours for literally... no reason at all.  Oh well, no pain, no gain.

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